10 things you should know before your first yoga class


If you are headed to your first yoga class, or have been wanting to try out this yoga thing but not sure what to expect, I’ve got you covered. Here are 10 things to know before heading to a class so you can come prepared both mentally and physically. The more you know heading into class, the more comfortable you can feel once you get there.

1. You should get to class early

Introduce yourself to the instructor. Let them know you are new to yoga + any injuries that you might have.

2. Yoga is done barefoot

Be prepared to take your socks off. If you are self conscious about your feet, get a pedicure before class. But really, don’t worry about your feet. As long as your feet don’t smell offensively and your toenails are trimmed, you are all good.

3. Don’t worry too much about your outfit - it is not a fashion show

While some people like to go out and buy the latest activewear fashions, this is not at all a prerequisite to the movement. I recommend wearing stretchy clothes and a sports bra to keep your boobs from flying up in downwards dog. Also a tighter shirt is better than a looser one, but if you are uncomfortable in a tight shirt, just tuck it in when you go upside down in poses like downward dog.

4. You don’t have to be flexible to do yoga

Start with where you are, and be patient with yourself with where your body is at now. Yoga is an individualized practice. It doesn’t matter how far you can get into a pose as long as you are generally trying to follow the teacher (as in not trying to do a completely different pose then what the teacher is teaching). Yoga is a judgement free zone, everyone is just focusing on themselves.

5. Props are your friend

Grab 2 foam rectangular blocks. Use these in any pose where you feel you are straining. At any time flag over the teacher for help with these. They say one difference between a beginner at yoga and someone more experienced is that the more experienced aren’t afraid to use props for help. If a teacher brings you a prop, don’t be offended that she thinks you can’t do the pose without it, he or she is just trying to support you in the expression of the pose that is available to you on that day.

6. Childs pose is a resting pose

If ever you feel overwhelmed, or tired, come into childs pose.  Doing the full expressions of the postures requires a lot of strength + flexibilty that doesn’t come overnight - be kind to your body and rest any and every time you need to (even if you are the only one in childs pose at that time)

7. Some people may be breathing like Darth Vadar

Don’t freak out. What they are doing is called Ujjayi breath. It is a breathing technique. No you don’t need to do it.

8. Find a drishti

This is a point on the wall that you can focus on. This helps you to forget what is going on around you and to focus in on that one spot. This is essential during balance postures to help keep the balance

9. There is no “yoga body”

I hear from a lot of people that they can’t do yoga because they don’t have a ‘yoga body.’ If you have a body, you have a yoga body. You don’t need to be hyperflexible and do the advanced poses to reap the benefits from yoga.

10. You may have to try several teachers before you find one that you like

Every teacher teaches a little bit differently, and each person has a different style of teaching. Just like buying a new top, you might have to try on a few before finding the one that is the right fit for you.

Yoga is a practice that is always evolving. There are some major benefits to yoga when it is done safely and correctly. Don’t overdo it on your first class. Just getting to your mat in the class is worth celebrating.

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