How to Find Time for Meditation When You Don’t Have Time


Meditation has become super popular in recent years. Celebrities are doing it, it’s all over the news, and media. We are all hearing about this meditation thing, but it can seem intimidating to add into our life. We wonder if we have to read books on it or take a meditation class, or speak to some guru. You don’t need any of those. You can meditate any time of day, from anywhere. At your desk, while brushing your teeth, before you get out of bed in the morning, after you have finished a good workout.

How to make it approachable:

When a lot of people think of meditation they think of someone meditating with the decked out meditation cushion and alter. Or some monk up in the mountains somewhere.

To meditate, all you have to do is close your eyes, and breathe. If your mind is racing, try focusing on a mantra. This can be something like “I am whole and happy” or something as simple as “one.” Repeat this over and over in your head whenever you find your mind racing to bring back your focus.

Another way to bring back your focus is to place one hand on your belly and feel your belly rise and fall with each breathe. Try to keep the inhales and exhales equal.

Just keep it simple.

How to include it into your day:

Start small. Start with 30 second meditation. Use a timer so your not sitting there wondering if 30 seconds have passed yet. Put it in your calendar. Make it a commitment to yourself. Make yourself a priority. We can all add in 30 seconds into our busy lives. Pick a time of day and make it part of your routine. Or put it on a daily checklist and just make sure you are getting it done each day.

Once you have mastered the 30 second  a day meditation. Do 30 seconds twice a day. Or 3 times a day. Keep going with this until you master it. Then maybe you can work up to 5 mins. Or eventually 30 minutes.

The point is you don’t need to start out with an hour of meditation a day.

Start small and be kind to yourself about it.

Let go of the expectation of what it should be. Just relax, focus on the breathe, and use mantra when needed to bring back a chatty mind.

Helping you sustain simple,
