
A quick infusion of accountability can do wonders.

You know what you need to do.  You just need somebody else to know it , too.  


Where's the Disconnect?

Sometimes the very things that we are doing to fix our problems are the very things that are causing them.   

Hello... weight gain and stress. 

If you're an overstretched entrepreneur, putting more things on your to-do list (carb cycling, intermittent fasting, lifting heavy, lifting light, bone broth for breakfast) you could be creating MORE of the thing you need LESS of to reach your goal. 

In our 90  minutes together we figure out where the disconnect is and create a plan to bridge the gap.   Often the answer is hidden in plain site, it just takes another set of eyes to see it and keep you on the hook to achieving it.


What's Included


90-minute coaching session + pre-work worksheets 



30-minute follow-up accountability call 


How Much?


$297 USD


Melissa listened and helped guide me to what I already knew deep down.

If you are stuck at any stage of your business, Melissa will help you access your inner knowing and guide you to actionable steps for business and life success.

She have the beautiful ability to corral what the person already knows into actionable steps. Her style allowed space for the coachee (me) to come to my own conclusions.

Melissa listened and helped guide me to what I already knew deep down.

-Shauna Brandes


What Comes Next

1.  After you hit "let's do this" you will receive an email from me welcoming you to the package and outlining the next steps.

2. Welcome Email includes all Of the info you will need to move forward Including: A scheduling link to get our sessions booked, Information on how to access our meetings, Your pre-work worksheets, and coaching agreement.

3. Book Your 90 minute Session and fill out the Pre-work, worksheets you receive in the welcome email.

4. Brace yourself... that  change you've been pining for is coming for you.